
DMF Headphones Advertisement Pitch

March 19, 2009

My pitch for DMF Headphones is going to focus on music, how it effects people, and why they listen to it. It has shots of people wearing the headphones saying their thoughts. The final shots of the film is text “It’s the soundtrack to your life, we want to make sure you hear it” and a shot of the headphones bright and catchy.

Hope you like it! Happy Spring Break fellow DMF-ers!


  1. $300. good luck. you’ll need it.

  2. $400. Great Pitch, it definitely helped me visualize your idea.

  3. Here is $500. I had to beg my boss for it but I really believe in this commercial. Im trusting you to put this money to good use and create an ad that my company can truly be proud of. Good luck ALong, and Godspeed. (Do not under any circumstances spend this money on your spring break or we will exercise our right to sue.)

  4. $200 might be tough if you can’t use copyrighted music, but I like the concept

  5. You get $1!!!

    I suppose I’ll give you another $99 too πŸ˜›

  6. $250
    I really like the idea of the soundtrack to your life.
    MMK! Good luck!

  7. I grant $150. I liked your pitch, very convincing, just make sure you work out all your issues with music and stuff. Good Luck!

  8. I grant you $400

  9. Oh, amanda, your posterboard was so fantastical, (and it was so funny watching you make it on the floor of colclough 102!) I decided I must reward you $400! I can’t wait to see the final product, when it’s 3am the day before it’s due and you and me are in the editing suites going crazy and deciding to go talk up the drive-thru guys at cook out..have i said too much?

    πŸ˜€ you love me. you can’t get away from me.

  10. 200 disney dollars for you

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